Lens Blur Intro
Lens Blur Intro 1946685 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4 | 1920x1080 | Optical Flares | 380 Mb
Mysterious, dramatic Opening Sequence for your Feature film
easy Customization of texts, colors, positions, length, aspect ratio
Can be used as Credits or Movie Trailer, too
24 Credit Titles, one Main Title, three End Titles
up to over 150 seconds long
Expression based Project, linked to one Control Layer for easy one-click Customization
Use your Footage as Background
Two ready made aspect ratios: 16:9 and 2.35:1 (Cinemascope)
Any Framerate (Plugin-Version only)
29 prerendered Bokeh-Transitions (QT Photo-Jpeg, 1080p, 29,97fps)
includes over 17 minutes of video training
Completely created in After Effects, i.e. you can customize everything
EFFECTS VIDEOHIVE افتر افکت دانلود افترافکت جی اف ایکس دانلود جی اف ایکس دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود فایل افترافکت سایت افترافکت ویدیو هایو'